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Professional Indemnity Claims Examples

Environmental Consultant failing to keep adequate records.

  • Engineer failed to take remedial action with a client where dissatisfaction expressed by the client.
  • Financial adviser rushed work leading to claim for incomplete checking of same.
  • Junior or inexperienced staff dealing with clients.
  • Loss assessor who took on too much work and was not fully resourced.
  • Unclear advice given to client and relying on verbal instead of written advice to client.
  • Software company designed accounting system for office which was ineffective causing large loss in revenue – Insufficient testing.
  • No clear definition given on what work was being undertaken and so client expectation greater than the consultant on what was to be done leading to non payment of fees to consultant and a subsequent PI claim when consultant pressed for payment of fees.
  • Failure to diary items that needed chasing – Subsequent consequences led to Loss of income claim
  • Solicitor who failed to lodge “official paperwork” for clients on time causing clients a loss in income.
  • Holidays were coming round and worked rushed leading to claim for incomplete checking of same.
  • Business who never refused any work and ended up taking on too much with result some work was incomplete and led to claim being lodged by their clients. Adequate resources should be in place top deal with the work
  • Business took instructions that were vague and did not work to a terms of business / engagement – Dispute leading to PI claim as client thought they were getting more than the business was in fact giving.
  • Lodging “official paperwork” for clients late led to claim for loss of revenue by client.
  • Claim against Insurance broker for Professional Indemnity due to keeping poor and or inadequate records.

Medical Malpractice Claims Examples

  • Failure to obtain proper consent.
  • Improper instruction given in issue of medication.
  • Incorrect chart referred to by medic leading to incorrect treatment on patient.
  • Incorrect diagnosis sent to patient – incorrectly sent to wrong person but same name .
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